It’s all about sustainability

4 min readJun 6, 2023


— By Sam Zoghbi. Original artical published here:

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our planet today, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that urgent action is needed to mitigate its effects. One of the key tools in the fight against climate change is blockchain technology, which can be used to promote environmental sustainability and reduce carbon emissions.

One way in which blockchain can promote environmental sustainability is by tracking carbon emissions. Carbon emissions are a major contributor to climate change, and it’s essential that we reduce our emissions if we want to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Blockchain technology can be used to create a transparent and auditable system for tracking carbon emissions, making it easier for businesses and individuals to take action on climate change. Another way in which blockchain can promote environmental sustainability is by reducing waste. Blockchain can be used to create transparent and secure supply chain systems, enabling businesses to track products from their source to their destination.

This can help to reduce waste by identifying inefficiencies in the supply chain and enabling businesses to make more informed decisions about how to reduce waste. Blockchain can also be used to promote sustainable practices, such as renewable energy production.

By creating transparent and auditable systems for tracking renewable energy production, blockchain can help to promote the adoption of sustainable energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. One example of a blockchain-based environmental sustainability initiative is the Climate Chain Coalition, a global initiative that brings together stakeholders from across the blockchain and climate communities to promote the use of blockchain in climate action.

The Climate Chain Coalition has developed a number of tools and frameworks for using blockchain to promote environmental sustainability, including a carbon credit tracking system and a renewable energy certificate trading platform. In conclusion, blockchain technology has a crucial role to play in promoting environmental sustainability and mitigating the effects of climate change.

By creating transparent and auditable systems for tracking carbon emissions, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices, blockchain can help businesses and individuals take action on climate change. With initiatives such as the Climate Chain Coalition leading the way, we can harness the power of blockchain to create a more sustainable future for our planet

Let’s look at some examples:

  1. Carbon Credits: Carbon credits are a market-based mechanism designed to reduce carbon emissions. Blockchain technology can be used to track the creation, distribution, and use of carbon credits in a transparent and secure manner. For example, IBM is using blockchain technology to create a carbon credit tracking platform called the “Hyperledger Fabric”, which tracks the production and transfer of carbon credits, making it easier for companies to offset their carbon emissions.
  2. Sustainable Supply Chains: Supply chains are responsible for a significant portion of carbon emissions and waste. Blockchain technology can be used to create a transparent and secure supply chain system, which can help to reduce waste and emissions. For example, Provenance is a blockchain-based supply chain tracking system that helps businesses track the origin of products, making it easier to identify and reduce carbon emissions and waste throughout the supply chain.
  3. Renewable Energy: Blockchain technology can be used to promote the adoption of renewable energy sources. For example, Power Ledger is a blockchain-based platform that enables peer-to-peer trading of renewable energy. This platform allows individuals and businesses to buy and sell excess renewable energy, creating a market for renewable energy and incentivizing the adoption of sustainable energy sources.
  4. Conservation: Blockchain technology can also be used to promote conservation efforts. For example, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is using blockchain technology to create a system for tracking and protecting wildlife. The system uses blockchain technology to create a transparent and secure database of wildlife sightings, which can be used to monitor and protect endangered species.
  5. Recycling: Blockchain technology can also be used to promote recycling efforts. For example, the Plastic Bank is a blockchain-based platform that incentivizes recycling by allowing individuals to exchange plastic waste for digital tokens that can be used to purchase goods and services. This platform helps to reduce plastic waste and promote recycling efforts.

In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potential to promote environmental sustainability in a variety of ways. From tracking carbon emissions and promoting sustainable supply chains to incentivizing the adoption of renewable energy sources and promoting conservation and recycling efforts, blockchain technology can play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change and creating a more sustainable future for our planet.

