The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Digital Identity

2 min readJun 5, 2023

— By Sam Zoghbi

Original article published here:

As we continue to rely more on digital platforms for communication and commerce, the importance of digital identities has become increasingly apparent. A digital identity is a collection of information that uniquely identifies an individual or entity online, such as login credentials, personal data, and online activity. These digital identities are essential for accessing online services and verifying our identities in digital transactions.

However, with the increasing number of data breaches and identity thefts, it’s becoming clear that traditional digital identity systems are not always secure. This is where blockchain technology comes in. Blockchain can provide a more secure and decentralized way of managing digital identities, helping to prevent identity theft and ensuring that digital identities can be trusted.

So, how does blockchain impact digital identity? First and foremost, blockchain creates a tamper-proof and immutable record of data, meaning that once information is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This helps to prevent fraudulent activities such as identity theft, as any changes to a digital identity record would be immediately visible on the blockchain.

Furthermore, blockchain-based digital identity systems can be decentralized, meaning that no single entity controls the system. This can help to ensure that data is secure and that individuals have more control over their digital identities. Decentralized digital identity systems can also be more resistant to cyber-attacks, as they do not have a central point of failure that can be exploited.

One example of a blockchain-based digital identity system is Sovrin, an open-source decentralized identity platform. Sovrin allows individuals to create and manage their own digital identities, which are verified by trusted third-party entities on the network. The platform also allows individuals to control their personal data, determining who has access to it and for what purposes.

In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potential to significantly impact digital identity management by providing a more secure and decentralized way of managing digital identities. As we continue to rely more on digital platforms, it’s important to ensure that our digital identities are secure and trusted. With blockchain-based digital identity systems such as Sovrin, individuals can take more control over their digital identities and have peace of mind knowing that their information is secure.

